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Rand Rescue Blog

Whether you're considering tax emigration from South Africa, fund transfers or information about policy surrenders, our blog has something for you.

AIT: exchange control by a different name

The Approval for International Transfer, or AIT, is a protocol introduced by SARS earlier ...
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New kids on the BRICS bloc

With the BRICS summit now done and dusted, many people are wondering how the new dynamic ...
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Artificial Intelligence 101: opportunities, threats and developments

Artificial intelligence is nothing new. In fact, logicians, writers and social scientists ...
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Subcultures of Immigration – Which Areas Are Right For You?

Most every South African forum online features a maelstrom of discussions around ...
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South Africans’ 25 Greatest Immigration Peeves

When people discuss immigration, they usually focus on the most important aspects thereof ...
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5 Benefits Of Tax Emigration From South Africa

Tax emigration from South Africa is often seen as complicated and stressful.
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Will The BRICS Currency Affect the Petrodollar?

The year was 1974 and three years had passed since the Nixon shock ended the ...
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Minors Travelling Abroad – The Scoop

Children do not generally travel abroad without their parents, and yet there are certain ...
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How To Open A Bank Account In South Africa from Australia

Are you wondering how to open a bank account in South Africa from Australia? If you need ...
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Cross-Border Inheritance: Tips for Benefactors and Beneficiaries

According to the UN’s World Migration Report 2022, approximately 281 million people were ...
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